Whirlpool Dryer Clothes Not Drying Properly
A Whirlpool dryer not heating properly can be just as frustrating as the wet clothes it leaves behind. Few of us have time to devote to another means of drying much less troubleshooting the problem. From overloading to clogged dryer vents, we’ll discuss common causes for a Whirlpool dryer not drying to prevent more time from slipping away.
#1. Drying Too Many Items
Overloading the dryer by filling it to the top or drying more than one wash load per cycle often ends up extending drying times. When the dryer is filled with clothes, warm air can’t circulate properly, leaving some items wet after a single drying cycle.
Generally, we recommend filling your dryer ¾ of the way full with just one wash load full to allow for optimal air circulation. Your use and care manual can provide more specific recommendations for your model dryer.
#2. Clothes Are Too Wet After Washing
Sometimes a Whirlpool dryer not drying isn’t the problem, it’s a washer not washing appropriately. Selecting a wash setting without a spin cycle or insufficient spinning will leave clothes too wet when the cycle is complete. A washer malfunction can also leave clothes too wet after washing.
When clothes are too wet, drying can take longer or you’ll find your Whirlpool dryer not drying clothes in one cycle. Make sure you select a wash setting with a sufficient spin cycle to lessen the moisture on clothes before drying. If clothes remain too wet after being washed, your washer may require a repair.
#3. Dirty Dryer Lint Filter
The heat and tumbling of a dryer causes clothing fibers to break down, collecting in little clumps we know as lint. Most lint ends up in the dryer’s lint filter to prevent it from clogging the dryer vents. However, if the lint filter gets blocked with lint, it can limit the dryer’s circulation of warm air. This can result in wet clothes at the end of a drying cycle.
It’s recommended that the lint filter be emptied at the end of every drying cycle to prevent a buildup of lint. This can be done pulling the lint screen from its compartment and removing the lint with your hand or a paper towel.
#4. Dryer Vents Need Cleaning
Even if you clean your lint filter regularly, lint can still find its way to the dryer vents. A dryer vent that’s clogged with lint will restrict airflow to the dryer and increase drying times. Similarly, a kink in the dryer vent can also limit airflow, requiring more time to dry clothes.
Cleaning your dryer vents annually with these dryer vent cleaning tips can prevent clogs and keep your dryer functioning optimally. When cleaning, inspect the vent system to make sure it’s positioned appropriately and isn’t crushed or kinked. A damaged vent will need to be replaced.
#5. Part Malfunction
If dryer trouble continues even after these troubleshooting tips, it’s possible a part malfunction may be at fault. These components could be responsible for a Whirlpool dryer not drying appropriately and require professional service:
- Heating element: For electric dryers, the heating element provides the dryer’s heat. This metal coil contains electric wires, creating heat when they receive an electrical signal. If the element malfunctions, the dryer can’t produce warm air and the element must be replaced.
- Gas valve solenoid: In gas dryers, a set of gas valve solenoids open to allow gas to flow to the burner and heat the dryer. The dryer’s igniter typically indicates a gas valve problem by being unable to ignite the burner. When this happens, the set of gas valve solenoids should be replaced.